Constitution of The Round Rock El Amistad Club

Adopted on: October 4, 1971
Amended on: September 7, 1980
Amended on: January 8, 1995
Revised in 1986
Revised November 4, 2000
Revised April 2008
Revised November 3rd, 2013

Article I

Name of Club

The name of the Club shall be Round Rock El Amistad Club.

Article II

Purpose of Club

El Amistad Club empowers members to contribute to the economic and social advancement of Hispanics by:

  1. Promoting the development of Hispanic leaders serving in the community.
  2. Providing scholarship opportunities to deserving high school graduates from the community.
  3. Giving the community opportunities to gain a better understanding of the Hispanic culture.

Article III


Section I: Any person, expressing an interest in the Mexican-American community and in the Club, is eligible of membership, provided that a member in good standing nominates the applicant and the nomination receives two/thirds vote of the club membership present and voting. A member must pay the established monthly dues, participate actively in club projects and conduct himself in a manner that does not bring embarrassment to the club.

The Club membership has a right to deny membership to any applicant.

Section II:

  1. Members may be subject to dismissal under one or more of the following conditions:
    1. Commits an unlawful act
    2. Failure to participate in club sponsored fund raising activities.
    3. Failure to keep dues current. Dues may not be delinquent more than one year.
    4. Conducts himself in a manner that brings embarrassment to the club.
  2. The club membership will define the conditions listed in section II 1 of Article III at a regularly scheduled meeting.
  3. It is the responsibility of the executive board to recommend individuals for dismissal and to contact individuals involved.
  4. A member will be dismissed upon a two/thirds vote of the membership present and voting by secret ballot.


Article IV


Section I: Dues may be collected from the club membership. The membership may establish the amount of dues to be collected and the appropriate system of collection at a regularly scheduled meeting.

Article V


Section I: There shall be five (5) elected officers and four (4) appointed officers. Their offices and duties shall be:

  1. President – The president shall:
    1. Preside at all regular, general or special meetings
    2. Be responsible for maintaining order during meetings
    3. Have the power to appoint committees and delegate their tasks
    4. Have the power to call a special election to fill out the terms of office of those officers who vacate their office due to resignation or removal
    5. Have the power to call special meetings
    6. Represent the club as its spokesman when invited to do so at any community function, provided however, that the president shall not express a club opinion on issues without prior consultation with the club membership.
    7. Present an annual budget to the members.
    8. Have the right to spend up to $50.00 on stationary and office supplies, but the Club has the right not to replenish the office supplies budget.
    9. Have the right to spend up to $200.00 on emergency items that arise between regular meetings if a majority of the officers concur.
    10. Have authority to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Club, provided that such authority has been expressly ratified at a Club meeting and documented in the corresponding minutes.
    11. In addition to the above enumerated powers the president has all the implied powers that will be necessary to carry out his duties and powers.
  2. Vice President – The vice president shall:
    1. Assist the president and shall preside in the absence of the president.
    2. Be responsible for maintaining the roll call.
    3. Submit to the club membership a report of the year’s highlights.
    4. Keep a record of all fundraising projects.
    5. Act as club liaison to such organizations as Amistad Women’s Organization, PAGA, and others.
    6. Preside over any necessary audits
  3. Vice President of Bingo Operations – The Vice President of Bingo Operations shall:
    1. Be the primary liaison between the Club and the Texas Lottery Commission.
    2. Handle administrative matters related ot hte licensure of hte Club ot conduct bingo activities.
    3. Deliver timely reporting regarding the performance of the Club’s bingo operations:
    4. Regulatory reporting required by the Texas Lottery Commission.
    5. Financial reporting required by the Club and government entities.
    6. Contact members regarding certification and participation in bingo.
    7. Maintain a roster and schedule of member participation in bingo.
    8. Attend training and ensure members receive training required by the Texas Lottery Commission.
    9. Meet regularly with the club Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer for Bingo Operations to review financial results of bingo operations.
  4. Secretary – The secretary shall:
    1. Keep and maintain the minutes of each meeting. The minutes shall contain the formal motions that are made during the meetings and their dispositions.
    2. Be responsible for having the recorded minutes of the past meetings on hand at every meeting.
    3. Be responsible for giving notice of all meetings in writing or by phone call.
    4. Prepare and mail a monthly newsletter to all members.
    5. Maintain official copy of all Club’s records for the purposes outlined in Article XI.
  5. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall:
    1. The Club Treasurer will be responsible for ALL financial operations of the club.
    2. The Club Treasurer will recommend appointees to the club executive board for its approval of each of the club’s Assistant Treasurers.
    3. The Club Treasurer will oversee the four assistant treasurers of the club: The Assistant Treasurer for club activities, The Assistant Treasurer for club Investments, The Assistant Treasurer for Club Scholarships, and the Assistant Treasurer for Bingo.
    4. The Club Treasurer will implement auditing procedures that are to be followed by each Assistant treasurer to assure that all club funds are secure and accounted for.
    5. The Club Treasurer will meet with each Assistant Treasurer on a monthly basis to reconcile bank statements and assure that all funds are secure and accounted for.
    6. The Club Treasurer will serve as a resource and provide advice to each of the Assistant Treasurers
  6. Assistant Treasurer for Club Activities – The Assistant Treasurer for Club Activities shall:
    1. The Assistant Treasurer for Club Activities will account for all club transaction and is authorized to write checks and pay bills that occur in the normal operations of the club.
    2. The Assistant Treasurer for Club Activities will report to the membership on a monthly basis and will interface with the club treasurer regularly to assure that auditing procedures are being followed.
    3. This assistant treasurer will attend all fund raising activities of the club, and assure that all funds are accounted for, and prepares a report of the fund raising activities in a timely basis.
    4. A deposit of the fund raising activity will be made at the end of each day of the fund raising activity.
    5. The club Treasurer will reconcile the bank statements of club activities to assure that a checks and balance system is in place.
    6. Collects membership dues at our monthly meetings and keeps the club treasurer informed of members who are delinquent in their dues.
  7. Assistant Treasurer for Club Investments – The Assistant Treasurer for Club Investments shall:
    1. Lead the Investment Committee members in analyzing the quarterly reports of the club investments.
    2. Reports to the club on a quarterly basis and recommends changes to the club in its investments programs.
    3. The Assistant Treasurer for club Investments will keep the members of the Investment Committee informed of current investment trends that affect the investment programs.
    4. The Assistant Treasurer for club Investments will interface with our investment adviser on a regular basis to safeguard our club’s investments.
  8. Assistant Treasurer for Scholarships – The Assistant Treasurer for Scholarships shall:
    1. The Assistant Treasurer for scholarships will interface with the Club Treasurer to determine the amount of scholarships that they will recommend to the club.
    2. Will recommend the number of scholarships that the club should award on a yearly basis.
    3. Will present to the club the names of the possible recipients that will be awarded scholarships.
    4. Will contact the parents of the student to be awarded scholarships and invite them to the annual El Amistad Banquet.
    5. Will be in charge of the presentation of scholarships at the Annual El Amistad Scholarship Banquet.
    6. Will write the checks to scholarship recipients when they provide proof of registering at the college of their choice.
    7. Will make periodic club reports regarding the number of student who have collected their scholarships.
    8. Will interface with the Club Treasurer to assure that sound auditing procedures are being followed.
    9. Will interface with the appropriate RRISD high school counselors to assure that students at each high school are aware of the El Amistad Scholarship program.
  9. Assistant Treasurer for Bingo – The Assistant Treasurer for Bingo shall:
    1. The Assistant Treasurer for Bingo will pay/reconcile all expenses, bingo employee payroll, state/federal taxes related to the operation of Creekside Charity Bingo.
    2. The Assistant Treasurer for Bingo will supply a monthly Bingo Report to the club membership, be the contact between the Creekside Charity Bingo General Manager and the Club Treasurer and the club.
    3. The Assistant Treasurer for Bingo will pick-up bingo related mail/bills/bank statements delivered to the clubs post office box and reconcile monthly bank statements and confirm monthly deposits to the bingo bank account.
    4. The Assistant Treasurer for Bingo will make deposits when funds are available from the Bingo bank account into the club’s Scholarship account.
    5. The Assistant Treasurer for Bingo will generate payroll for the Creekside Charity Bingo employees twice a month and maintain the general bingo log book.
    6. The Assistant Treasurer for Bingo will interface on a regular basis with the club Treasurer and the Vice President for Bingo Operations in order to assure that the bingo operations operate smoothly.

Section II: Elections shall be held annually on the first meeting on the month of November.
The newly elected officers begin office on the first regular meeting in January.

Section III: The officers may be removed from office for misconduct, malfeasance of failure to carry out their duties as described in this document, provided that the motion for removal receives two/thirds vote of the membership present and voting by secret ballot.


Article VI

Rule of Order

Section I: Each member in attendance at a Club meeting is entitled to one vote.

Section II: There shall be no set rules of order. The president shall decide when discussion shall close on any given topic and call for a vote.

Section III: The membership shall adhere to the informal rules as made by the president. The president shall be fair and just in making rulings. The president’s rulings shall stand except where they are overridden by two/thirds majority vote.

Section IV: Any motion, other than an amendment or suspension of the rules, shall require for passage, a majority of the quorum present for that meeting.

Section V: Al correspondence, documents, and reports shall be made available during meetings to all members upon request.

Article VII


Section I: Written or printed notice stating the place, day, and hour of the meeting and, in case of a special meeting, the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called, shall be given not less than ten (10) nor more than sixty (60) days before the date of the meeting, either personally, by electronic mail, by facsimile transmission, or by mail, by or at the direction of the President, or the Secretary, or the officers or persons calling the meeting, to each member entitled to vote at such meeting. If mailed, such notice shall be deemed to be given when deposited in the United States mail addressed to the member at the member’s address as it appears on the records of the Club, with postage thereon paid. If transmitted by facsimile or electronic mail, notice is deemed to be given on successful transmission of the facsimile or electronic mail.

Section II: There shall be a quorum present before the Club can do business at a regular meeting.

Section III: 30 members in attendance constitutes a quorum.

Article VIII


Section I: This document may be amended at any regular meeting where two/thirds of the membership is present and a majority of those present agree or:

Section II: A majority of a quorum may amend this document provided that notice was made at the previous regular meeting.


Article IX

Suspension of Rules

Section I: A motion to suspend the quorum requirement for a meeting may be made with two/thirds vote of the members present; however, no expenditures of over $500 may be approved.

Article X

Dissolution of Organization

Section I: When two/thirds of the members present decide to dissolve the Club, the Round Rock El Amistad Club shall follow the guidelines for dissolution of a 501(c)(3) organization.

Section II: Upon the dissolution of Round Rock El Amistad Club, all assets and property will be transferred to another non-for-profit organization as approved by two/thirds vote of the members present at the time of dissolution.

Article XI

Books and Records

Section I: The Club shall keep correct and complete books and records of account and shall keep minutes of the proceedings of the members, Ofhcers, and committees and shall keep at the registered office or principal office in this State a record of the names and addresses of its members entitled to vote. A member of the Club, on written demand stating the purpose of the demand, has the right to examine and copy, i n person or by agent, accountant, or attorney, at any reasonable time, for any proper purpose, the books and records of the Club relevant to that purpose, at the expense of the member.

Article XII

Adherence to 501(c)(3) Rules

Section I: The club shall always comply with 501(c)(3) rules.